Arrogance and Intolerance

Arrogance and intolerance cause many problems in the world. Race, culture, religion, sex, and many other factors can unite or tear us apart. Each of us chooses if we will accept others or not. The economist Milton Friedman makes a strong case for the importance of independent thinking and individual freedom. Friedman says: "The people who always get us into trouble are the people who know better than you do what's good for you." Friedman then said:

“Arrogance and intolerance are what produce the ills of the world.”

These simple and powerful words say much. When a mind is closed, so is the ability to find the best solution. Critical thinking is hindered when the world and people in it are viewed from biased social conditioning without respecting the needs and dreams of others.

Strive to minimize interactions with those who exhibit habitual arrogance and intolerance. Many are closed-minded.

To ensure we don’t personally fall into the trap of arrogance and intolerance, continual awareness of our natural prejudices and the prejudices of others helps us find common ground in communication and interactions. Also, open, honest communication helps break down barriers and leads to meaningful relationships.

To learn more see: Mastering Critical Thinking

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